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Chicago Style Hot Dog Burger

Chicago Style Hot Dog Burger

• 6 Turano Gourmet Sandwich Rolls
• 6 Hot Dogs (Vienna Beef)
• Yellow Mustard
• Chicago-Style Green Relish
• 1 White Onion, sliced thin
• 1 Tomato, sliced thin
• Sport peppers
• Dill pickle spears
• Celery Salt
• Toothpicks
• NO Ketchup
① Slice onion and tomato. Set aside.
② Score the hot dogs diagonally. Place the hot dogs on the hot grill until they're cooked through and charred to desired liking.
③ With the cooked hot dogs, cut the hot dogs in half horizontally and then in half vertically.
④ To build the sandwich, squeeze yellow mustard on the bottom half of the bun, top with 4 hot dog pieces, tomato, lettuce, green relish, celery salt, squeeze more yellow mustard on the other half of the bun and top the sandwich. Take a toothpick and stack the sport peppers and dill pickle. Place the toothpick in the sandwich and enjoy!
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